Bold Future Planning Discussion Forum
This consultation has concluded. Information about the consultation, forum comments and related documents are retained for your reference.
This discussion forum was provided to allow residents to have their say about the Statement of Proposal for the new planning scheme.
Each of the forums below related to a theme identified in the Bold Future Vision and is included in the Statement of Proposal document.
This discussion forum was provided to allow residents to have their say about the Statement of Proposal for the new planning scheme.
Each of the forums below related to a theme identified in the Bold Future Vision and is included in the Statement of Proposal document.
Bold Vision theme: A city connecting people and places
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years ago5 ResponsesWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, our efficient transport system and advanced communications network enable the shortest average travel time to work of any major city in Australia.
QUESTION: How will we make best use of the city's expanding transport, communication and social networks that link people, homes, workplaces, schools, communities and significant places locally and globally?Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Variety of desirable environmentally-friendly modes of travel
- Vibrant community and cultural hubs
- Pride in heritage and diversity
- Well connected locally and globally
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Bold Vision Theme: A city shaped by clever design
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years agoWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, we have the most liveable, healthy, active and resource efficient major city in Australia.
QUESTION: How will we direct the city's development and provide the infrastructure to enhance our environment and lifestyles whilst promoting sustainable choices through coastal, urban and rural settings?
Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Sustainable communities
- Housing
- Infrastructure delivered to meet the needs of the growing community
- High quality urban design, world-class image and diverse built forms
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Bold Vision Theme: A city with a thriving economy
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years agoWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, we are the employment destination of choice with the most diverse and rewarding local employment opportunities.
QUESTION: How will we manage development to ensure a wide variety of employment and business opportunities with a focus on education, research and development, to suport aspirations and quality of life?
Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Diverse economy
- Infrastructure that supports globally competitive business development and growth
- Tourist economy
- Food production
- Natural resources
- Corridors and buffers
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Bold Vision Theme: A safe city where everyone belongs
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years agoWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, our city has the highest proportion of residents who feel a sense of belonging to their community.
QUESTION: How will we manage development in a way that increases our community spirit, enriches our quality of life and allows us to enjoy a wide variety of cultural and recreational activities?Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Active and healthy community
- Safe and secure community
- Health and education services
- Inclusive, supportive and vibrant community
- Provision of social infrastructure
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Bold Vision Theme: A city loved for its green, gold and blue
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years agoWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, native vegetation covers a higher proportion of our city than any other major city in Australia.
QUESTION: How will we manage development in such a way that protects and enhances the city's natural environment, open spaces, beaches and waterways?Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Parks and open green spaces
- Biodiversity and wildlife corridors
- Water and waterways
- Beaches and coastline
- Waste
- Landscape character and scenic amenity
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Bold Vision Theme: A city leading by example
by City Plan 2015, over 14 years agoWorking towards Bold Future headline target: By 2040, we are recognised as a city of inspired leaders and engaged communities.
QUESTION: How will we lead and engage with the community in addressing key issues and shaping the new planning system?Proposed new planning scheme directions:
- Planning scheme drafting and administration
- Climate change
You might like to consider and contribute ideas about this theme.
Key Dates
18 October 2010
23 December 2010