What changes are proposed?
Amendments to the City’s parking permits are being proposed to resolve operational constraints for certain local government employees and council owned vehicles.
The proposed changes provide the option for City employees in City owned vehicles to park longer than signed, in 2 hour or more timed regulated parking spaces, and be exempt from parking fees (where applicable), when completing operational tasks. These amendments eliminate the costs associated with the current process whereby City employees pay for parking while performing operational duties, and then seek a reimbursement from the City. This also removes the need for officers to move an operational vehicle mid-task to comply with time restricted parking.
The amendments also include a provision for City Lifeguards to park in 2 hour or more timed regulated parking spaces while on patrol. This will allow City Lifeguards to continue their rostered shift uninterrupted when providing a critical life-saving service to the community in locations with high demand for parking.