Animal Control Area Register 2019

This consultation has concluded.

Dog walking

City of Gold Coast (City) is responsible for animal control areas and is proposing to amend the Animal Control Area Register.

Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013 enables Council by resolution to designate the whole or any part of a park, reserve, foreshore or bathing reserve, under the control of Council, as an animal control area after duly considering properly made submissions. Read more about Local Law No. 12 here.

The register contains the descriptions of animal prohibited areas, animal restricted areas, dog off-leash exercise areas and the general effects of the proposed amendments as required under the Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013.

For further information on the proposed designation of Animal Control Areas listed in the amending Animal Control Area Register, review the following documents:

  1. areas that are already in the current Register refer to the right hand column, showing the Gazette date 5/4/2013. Please note these current areas are not part of the public submission notification and;
  2. new proposed areas in the Register - refer to the right hand column showing no {blank} Gazette date and coloured yellow. These new areas are available for public consultation and written submissions.

To have your say about the proposed amendments to the register (i.e. the new proposed areas referred to in (2) above):

  • Complete the online submission form below, or
  • Download a printable submission form in PDF or WORD format, which can be:

1. Scanned and emailed to
2. Posted to Chief Executive Officer, City of Gold Coast, PO Box 5042, QLD 9726
3. Delivered in person to a Customer Service Counter at:

Hard copies of submission forms and associated documents are also available at City of Gold Coast customer service centres at the locations above.

Community engagement runs from Saturday 16 March to 5pm Monday 08 April 2019.

We look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.

City of Gold Coast (City) is responsible for animal control areas and is proposing to amend the Animal Control Area Register.

Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013 enables Council by resolution to designate the whole or any part of a park, reserve, foreshore or bathing reserve, under the control of Council, as an animal control area after duly considering properly made submissions. Read more about Local Law No. 12 here.

The register contains the descriptions of animal prohibited areas, animal restricted areas, dog off-leash exercise areas and the general effects of the proposed amendments as required under the Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013.

For further information on the proposed designation of Animal Control Areas listed in the amending Animal Control Area Register, review the following documents:

  1. areas that are already in the current Register refer to the right hand column, showing the Gazette date 5/4/2013. Please note these current areas are not part of the public submission notification and;
  2. new proposed areas in the Register - refer to the right hand column showing no {blank} Gazette date and coloured yellow. These new areas are available for public consultation and written submissions.

To have your say about the proposed amendments to the register (i.e. the new proposed areas referred to in (2) above):

  • Complete the online submission form below, or
  • Download a printable submission form in PDF or WORD format, which can be:

1. Scanned and emailed to
2. Posted to Chief Executive Officer, City of Gold Coast, PO Box 5042, QLD 9726
3. Delivered in person to a Customer Service Counter at:

Hard copies of submission forms and associated documents are also available at City of Gold Coast customer service centres at the locations above.

Community engagement runs from Saturday 16 March to 5pm Monday 08 April 2019.

We look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.

Online submission form

This consultation has concluded.