Greenheart Master Plan survey 2024

Consultation has concluded

Greenheart - The Gold Coast's largest outdoor recreation space

Greenheart is a 257 hectare site located in the suburbs of Merrimac and Robina, situated at the centre of the city’s urban footprint. The development of Greenheart is the largest open space and recreational facility project ever undertaken by the City. This development is a direct response to the Gold Coast’s significant population growth and the need to continue to provide high quality parks and infrastructure for the community.

From 31 May to 1 July 2024, we sought feedback from the community on a Master Plan for Greenheart, and the eight proposed precincts that we propose will make up this unique space. As part of this engagement, we held a community information session, a series of pop-up kiosks, and hosted a survey so to collate community feedback on the Master Plan. We received over 3500 responses to this survey.

We heard that:

  • 95% of survey respondents agreed with providing a new regional parkland.
  • 88% of respondents agreed that developing the Greenheart site into a parkland is a good use of Council owned land located within a flood plain.

Read the community engagement report and engagement summary report for more outcomes of this engagement.

What's next?

The feedback from the survey will inform the concept design phase that will commence in 2025. 

Greenheart - The Gold Coast's largest outdoor recreation space

Greenheart is a 257 hectare site located in the suburbs of Merrimac and Robina, situated at the centre of the city’s urban footprint. The development of Greenheart is the largest open space and recreational facility project ever undertaken by the City. This development is a direct response to the Gold Coast’s significant population growth and the need to continue to provide high quality parks and infrastructure for the community.

From 31 May to 1 July 2024, we sought feedback from the community on a Master Plan for Greenheart, and the eight proposed precincts that we propose will make up this unique space. As part of this engagement, we held a community information session, a series of pop-up kiosks, and hosted a survey so to collate community feedback on the Master Plan. We received over 3500 responses to this survey.

We heard that:

  • 95% of survey respondents agreed with providing a new regional parkland.
  • 88% of respondents agreed that developing the Greenheart site into a parkland is a good use of Council owned land located within a flood plain.

Read the community engagement report and engagement summary report for more outcomes of this engagement.

What's next?

The feedback from the survey will inform the concept design phase that will commence in 2025. 

Consultation has concluded
  • Thank you for your feedback - consultation now closed

    Thank you for having your say and helping shape the Gold Coast's largest outdoor recreation space - Greenheart. The consultation has now concluded.

    During the consultation period from 31 May to 1 July 2024, we received 3593 submissions.

    Full survey results are available in the Community Engagement Report and the Engagement Summary Report.

  • Greenheart Master Plan survey 2024 - consultation now open

    Help us shape the Gold Coast's largest outdoor recreation space - Greenheart

    Greenheart is a 257 hectare site located in the suburbs of Merrimac and Robina, situated at the centre of the city’s urban footprint. The development of Greenheart is the largest open space and recreational facility project ever undertaken by the City. This development is a direct response to the Gold Coast’s significant population growth and the need to continue to provide high quality parks and infrastructure for the community.

    The City of Gold Coast has prepared the Greenheart Master Plan which proposes eight unique precincts featuring a wide variety of open space and recreation facilities. We are seeking your feedback on what you think about the Greenheart Master Plan and each of the precincts.

    How you can have your say:

    • Complete our online survey and go into the draw to win one of five $500 gift vouchers (terms and conditions apply)
    • Share your ideas on the Master Plan precincts, you can also vote for ideas submitted by others

    Our team will be available at various locations during this engagement period, you can attend any of the Community Consultation Pop up Sessions if you wish to connect with the team directly.

    Community engagement runs from Friday 31 May to Monday 1 July 2024.