Sites included in more than one zone

Council officers have been receiving queries on determining the levels of assessment for development over multiple zones. Accordingly, the following advice is provided:

Section 5.3.2(4) of the City Plan identifies:

“Where development is proposed on premises included in more than one zone or overlay, the level of assessment is the highest level for each aspect of the development under each of the applicable zones or overlays.”

Where a site is included in more than one zone, proposed development would be subject to the level of assessment of the respective zones, to the extent the development applies to that zone.

Example site with split zoning

In the scenario of a Child care centre on the site above, two levels of assessment (material change of use tables) could be applicable:

  • Neighbourhood centre zone (blue) – subject to Code assessment; and
  • Open space zone (green) – subject to Impact assessment.

Both levels of assessment would be applicable, if the proposed development extended over both zones. The extent of development could include (but is not limited to) built form, carparking, communal open space, and storm water infrastructure.

To clarify (using the above scenario):

  • if the extent of the proposed development is wholly contained within the Neighbourhood centre zone, the level of assessment for the development would be determined based on that zone (Code assessment).
  • if the extent of the proposed development is over both zones:
  1. the portion of the development within the Neighbourhood centre zone would be subject to Code assessment
  2. the portion of the development in the Open space zone would subject to Impact assessment
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