Procedure for contractors and consultants to report failures or faults to Gold Coast Water and Waste's live water supply and sewerage infrastructure

20 Dec 2016

Contractors and engineering consultants please be aware that operational faults or failures to the City’s live water supply and sewerage networks requiring an urgent response are to be reported to Gold Coast Water and Waste on 1300 000 928 to conduct the necessary urgent repairs. Operational faults or failures requiring an urgent response include the gushing of water and sewer spills. This applies to all live infrastructure, whether deemed on or off maintenance.

Operational repairs undertaken by Gold Coast Water and Waste as a result of damage from a contractor, or damage to infrastructure that is deemed ‘on-maintenance’, will be invoiced to the contractor.

Non-urgent defects that can be repaired by the contractor for assets that are ‘on-maintenance’ include damaged meter boxes or lids, lowering or raising of valves/manholes/hydrants/meters, damage to sewer lids, or slow leaking at meter box/stop tap/ fire hydrant/etc. Those non-urgent defects that require shutting down the network will require connection applications to be submitted to Gold Coast Water and Waste’s Asset Audit and Handover Section for approval. Note that only Gold Coast Water and Waste are permitted to operate and shut down their networks.

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