The local law already includes a Local Government Employee parking permit. Why is this being amended?

    Although the Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Regulated Parking) 2006 currently provides that a parking permit may be issued to a local government employee, this does not permit employees to park City owned vehicles in paid and time restricted parking areas across the city.

    Why should Council vehicles be exempt from meter payments and timed parking restrictions?

    Council employees using City vehicles while performing operational tasks must currently pay at the meter and submit a request for reimbursement. Parking permits for City operational vehicles will eliminate the costs associated with the current reimbursement process for both employees and the City.

    Why does the exemption from time restrictions not apply to parking areas restricted to less than 2 hours?

    Time limit parking is applied where demand exceeds supply. The shorter the time limit the higher the turnover demand for parking spaces. By identifying a restriction of 2 hours or more, ensures turnover of premium demand areas and continued availability.

    Are the parking permit changes for all operational vehicles and are there any limitations?

    The parking permit changes apply for all City vehicles, however, heavy vehicles (greater than 4.5 tonnes or over 7.5 metres) are still required to comply with State legislation relating to parking.

    Why are lifeguards being provided a permit?

    Lifeguards deliver a critical service in areas of high demand for parking. The permit applies only for patrolling lifeguards rostered on for duty and only in timed 2 hours or more and not for paid parking. This will allow City Lifeguards to continue their rostered shift uninterrupted.