- The easiest and quickest way to make a submission is through the online submission portal
- Email your submission to cityplansubmissions@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
- Mail your submission to Chief Executive Officer, City of Gold Coast, PO Box 5042, Gold Coast MC QLD 9729
- be relevant to the items listed in the update package
- be received by Thursday 8 April 2021
- detail the name and address of each person making the submission
- detail the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied upon to support the grounds.
Why are we having a 4th round of consultation and what has informed these changes?
As a result of the scenario testing, Council resolved to make refinements to the amendment. 15 observations formed the basis of the review (plus any consequential changes required as a result), with the intent of making refinements to better align with the endorsed policy intent and improve clarity for development assessment purposes.
What is the consultation period?
Public consultation on the refinements to the Our City Our Plan (Major Update 2 & 3) amendment will be held from Tuesday 9 March to Thursday 8 April 2021 (inclusive).
Will there be an opportunity to talk to City planners about the amendment?
In addition to the online Ask a Planner Q&A option Council is introducing one-on-one ‘Talk to a Planner’ sessions which will be held on 23 - 24 March at HOTA. Community will be able to book a 15-minute session to talk through any queries about the refinements. Bookings are essential.
Planners will also be available to discuss the amendments via the City Plan hotline 1300 151 267.
How can I make a submission?
There are a number of options for lodging a submission:
Please note that submissions that are not related to these proposed refinements are not relevant and cannot be considered. If you have already made a submission to one of the previous rounds of Our City Our Plan consultation, please be assured that these submissions have been considered and it is not necessary for you to make another submission during Round 4 that repeats or reiterates the content of any previous submissions
What is a formal submission?
Due to legislative requirements, formal submissions must meet the following criteria:
Who can I ask for help?
A hotline has been set up for City Plan public consultation enquiries. The number is 1300 151 267. Alternatively, you can email cityplan@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
What if I my issue is not covered by the proposed updates?
This consultation relates to specific items that the City has developed as updates to the existing City Plan. The City can only consider submissions that relate to these items.
Please note that submissions that are not related to these proposed refinements are not relevant and cannot be considered. If you have already made a submission to one of the previous rounds of Our City Our Plan consultation, please be assured that these submissions have been considered and it is not necessary for you to make another submission during Round 4 that repeats or reiterates the content of any previous submissions.
What property/area specific changes are being made?
Refinements to zoning, building heights and residential densities are proposed for certain locations within the Targeted growth areas of Southport West, Labrador and Biggera Waters.
Other zoning refinements are proposed for other parts of the city affected by the Light rail urban renewal area overlay.
Changes are also being made to the critical corridor component of the Environmental significance – biodiversity areas overlay map.
Other refinements relate to design provisions that apply more broadly to future development.
Details of the refinements can be viewed:
Have submissions from previous rounds informed the Round 4 changes?
Relevant submissions from previous rounds of consultation have helped with the review of recommendations from the scenario testing.
How has Council considered the submissions? (i.e. there was a petition from 300 people saying no change and you changed it anyway)?
The City considered every submission to determine if the points raised in the submission warranted a change for a particular reason. This was the common approach regardless if there was one submitter or multiple people raising a matter.
How will I know how my submission is being addressed from the previous rounds of consultation?
Each person who lodged a submission was given a unique submission number. A submission assessment summary is being prepared by the City which provides a summary of the points of submissions and the submitter’s submission number. This will enable submitters to determine how Council has addressed their items. The complete submission report will be made available following the fourth round of public consultation once all significant and non-significant changes have been addressed.
Will I be able to see all submissions and responses?
The City will be publishing a submission report after the consideration of submissions from this fourth round of consultation. This will be made available online. No names will be published.
What happens next?
A fourth round of public consultation will run until Thursday 8 April 2021. Once these submissions are considered, and if there are no further significant changes proposed, the amendment package will progress to the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning requesting Ministerial approval to adopt. Once the City receives approval from the Minister, the amendment is required to be adopted by Council before it can commence.