Prioritising the design and construction of external infrastructure works and connections
The City has been observing a trend within the development industry where the design and construction of external infrastructure works and connections (water supply, sewerage, electricity) is being deferred until the later stages of development construction programs. The design and construction of external infrastructure works and connections is often complicated and can be impacted by unforeseen circumstances such as third party works and unknown construction constraints. The deferral of external infrastructure works and connections is in some developments leading to the delay of critical project milestones such as plan sealing or commencement of use, resulting in significant financial stress.
Delays caused because of development programming or third parties, are beyond the City’s control limiting its ability to assist developers in overcoming delays related to infrastructure delivery. It is important to consider:
• Tankering as a temporary sewer “connection” is not supported by the City.
• Infrastructure agreements involving progress payments may be considered for developments delivering trunk infrastructure.
The City recommends:
• Prioritisation of the design and construction of external infrastructure works and connections, early in development schedules.
• Early ground truthing and service investigation, such as potholing, to better understand constraints and associated construction challenges and risks.
• Where applicable, early consultation with the City and third parties, such as other service providers or road network custodians.
• Developing project programs which provide reasonable contingency enabling external infrastructure works and connections to be completed ahead of critical project milestones and in accordance with conditions of approval.