Pre-lodgement meeting service update

It has been a year since the new Pre-lodgement meeting serviced has commenced. In this time we have conducted 285 Pre-lodgement meetings.

For those of you whom regularly use this service, you will be familiar with our dedicated Technical Pre-lodgement Meeting officer – Amanda Antcliff.

Throughout the past year Amanda has worked with applicants and the City’s officers to ensure the information provided for a Pre-lodgement meeting is a high standard, to enable our officers to provide structured and considered responses. Amanda will continue to work with you all to maintain this consistent standard.

The purpose of the Pre-lodgement meeting is to provide applicants and our officers an opportunity to discuss the issues identified within the applicants agenda questions. As a reminder, well-structured agenda questions give our officers better direction in considering your request, resulting in more accurate discussions and advice. If needed, download the guide to structuring agenda questions to give you an understanding on the City’s expectations in this space.

Our officers understand proposals at the pre-lodgement stage are generally preliminary and likely to continue to change as the proposal advances, in particular after the pre-lodgement request is submitted and before the meeting. Every effort will be made to accommodate changes; however, it is advisable to submit all your material with your application request. Officers do need suitable time to sufficiently review and provide informed comments. In some instances, meetings may have to be re-arranged to accommodate sufficient time for further review.

Meeting minutes create an official record capturing all relevant points of discussion and actions taken within the meeting. The content of the live minutes is agreed to by all stakeholders at the meeting, and any additional items raised are investigated and actioned as soon as possible. The introduction of live meeting minutes has proven very beneficial to all stakeholders and we are receiving positive feedback on this.

It is also pleasing to see most of the development industry utilising the dedicated section within the meeting minutes for applicants to provide a response on how they have addressed items detailed within the meeting minutes. We will continue to encourage this practice to include a response as part of your development application submission.

What’s New?

Council’s online application system now has the option to pay now or pay later (invoice issued) for the Pre-lodgement meetings.

Applicants have two ways to lodge a pre-lodgement meeting request:

Email: Applications are accepted via email to (External link) and should contain the City’s Pre-lodgement Meeting application form, drawings, plans and any supporting documents required. This option is available for applicants who wish to receive an invoice from the City for payment of their application fees to be made later and not immediately at the time of lodgement of the request. Payment of fees needs to occur before the pre-lodgement meeting is scheduled.

E-Services: City’s online application form. All documents can be submitted directly to the City via an online portal. As mentioned above this service now contains a pay now or pay later option.

We are seeking your feedback

The Pre-lodgement team welcomes and appreciates feedback from all stakeholders. Your feedback will ensure Pre-lodgement meetings continue to add value to the development assessment process.

If you have any questions regarding the Pre-lodgement meeting service please contact either Amanda Antcliff on telephone 07 55828956 or Di Kling on telephone 07 5582 8415.

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