Determining walking distance from a mixed use or specialist centre

To assist with determining whether a property is within 400 metres walking distance from a mixed use centre or specialist centre the following advice has been prepared.
The Tables of assessment for the Low density residential zone (where not in the Large lot precinct), provide reduced levels of assessment for some land uses where a locational test can be met. For example, a Dual occupancy is Accepted subject to requirements if it is not adjoining an existing or approved Dual occupancy and where located on:
(a) a corner lot; or
(b) a lot with both street and rear lane access; or
(c) a lot within 400 metres walking distance of a mixed use centre or specialist centre
This item provides additional information on point (c).
Mixed use centres and specialist centres
Specialist centres are:
Surfers Paradise (Centre zone)
Bundall and Gold Coast Cultural Precinct (Innovation zone)
Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct/Griffith University (Innovation zone)
Bond University/Varsity Central (Innovation zone and Centre zone)
Gold Coast Airport/Southern Cross University (Special purpose zone)
Mixed use centres are:
located within the Centre zone (other than those that are Specialist centres)
Southport (CBD) key regional centre (‘CBD Precinct’ in the Southport Priority Development Area)
Robina key regional centre (‘Robina Town Centre Core Precinct’ in the Robina Central Planning Agreement)
The centres hierarchy is shown in the Centre zone code and on Strategic framework map 5.
Measuring 400 metres walking distance
Walking distance is defined in the City Plan as,
The distance between two points that a person may lawfully and reasonably take on foot.
Note - where the term is used within the table of assessment or assessment provisions,
the distance is taken from the frontage of the subject site to the closest part of the destination.
The distance should be measured along a lawful and reasonable walking route between the front boundary of the subject property to the closest part of the zone/precinct for one of the above centres. This terminology has been used to ensure that the test is facilitating the land uses in areas that can take advantage of the walkable distance to a centre. Walking routes that travel through private property, or a fence, would not meet the City Plan definition.
To assist, Council’s City Plan interactive mapping website includes the relevant zones, an aerial photograph of the City (to identify footpaths and walkable routes) and a measuring tool - see example here.