Changes to the Express DA process and online documents

We are pleased to announce improvements to the Express DA process and online documents, aimed at enhancing efficiency and streamlining our services to better cater to your needs.
Updates to Pre-submission request lodgement process:
From 4 December 2023 we will introduce the option for customers to lodge pre-submission requests electronically via the online lodgement portal (City of Gold Coast - Lodge a Development Application). Please note that from this date customers will not be able to submit pre-submission requests via email, however, we will continue to accept applications by mail or in person.
This change is part of our ongoing efforts to streamline and enhance our services. The process will align itself to the same lodgement process as a standard development application, where forms will be online and applications can be submitted from the one online portal for ease and consistency across the City.
Updates to Express DA online documents:
In conjunction with the transition to electronic submissions, we have made updates to the Express DA Guidelines and online documents. The updated guidelines and documents will be uploaded to the Express DA website (Express DA website) on 4 December 2023
Specifically, updates include:
- updating Accepted to code – code templates to align with the City Plan (version 10)
- updating the EDA guidelines, including:
- increasing the pre-submission review timeframe from five business days to 10 business days
- removing requirement for a flood conveyance check updating eligibility requirements / exclusions.