What is the consultation period?

    Public consultation for the City Plan Major amendment - Yatala Enterprise Area Industry Amendment (Phase 1) will be held from 20 June 2024 to 18 July 2024 (inclusive).

    What are the proposed changes?

    This Amendment recognises the longer-term need to protect High impact industry zoned land in the Yatala/Stapylton Enterprise Area from encroachment by proposing consolidation of High impact industry zoned areas to the eastern side of the M1. 

    To achieve this consolidation, it is proposed to rezone 53 properties currently within the Medium impact industry zone (including 4 properties within the Future medium impact industry precinct) on the eastern side of the M1, to the High impact industry zone or High impact industry zone – Future high impact industry precinct (where currently located within the precinct). The Amendment also introduces strengthened City Plan provisions to restrict low impacting land uses from using scarce High impact industry zoned land.

    Conversely, there are 68 properties zoned as High impact industry (including 7 properties within the Future high impact industry precinct) on the western side of the M1, that are proposed to be rezoned to Medium impact industry zone or Medium impact industry zone - Future medium impact industry precinct (where currently located within the precinct). 

    As a result of these proposed amendments changes are required to the Industry interface area (a buffer area to separate industrial areas and sensitive uses) as shown on the Industry, community infrastructure and agricultural land interface area overlay map.

    It also proposes to rezone a City owned site at 396 Stanmore Road, Yatala from Low impact industry (Future low impact industry precinct) to a combination of Innovation zone (Gold Coast screen industry precinct) and Open space zone to support the Gold Coast’s growing screen industry.

    Why are these changes necessary?

    The changes are required to;

    • protect High impact industry zoned land in the Yatala/Stapylton Enterprise Area from encroachment.
    • ensure new sensitive uses located within the Industry interface area are designed to mitigate themselves from the impacts of industrial activities.
    • support the Gold Coast’s growing screen industry.

    How can I make a submission?

    There are a number of options for lodging a submission:

      • The easiest and quickest way to make a submission is through the online submission portal(External link)(External link)
      • Email your submission to cityplansubmissions@goldcoast.qld.gov.au  
      • Mail your submission to Chief Executive Officer, City of Gold Coast, PO Box 5042, Gold Coast MC QLD 9729

    Please note that submissions that are not related to these proposed refinements are not relevant and cannot be considered.

    What is a formal submission?

    Due to legislative requirements, formal submissions must meet the following criteria: 

      • be relevant to the items listed in the update package
      • be received by midnight 18 July 2024
      • detail the name and address of each person making the submission
      • detail the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances relied upon to support the grounds.

    Who can I ask for help?

    A hotline has been set up for City Plan public consultation enquiries. The number is 1300 151 267. Alternatively, you can email cityplansubmissions@goldcoast.qld.gov.au

    What if my issue is not covered by the proposed amendment?

    This consultation relates to specific changes to zoning for Industrial lands in the Yatala Enterprise Area. The City can only consider submissions that relate to these items.

    Please note that the Ideas tool provides an opportunity for you to provide feedback on other matters. Feedback received through the ideas tool is not considered as a submission.   

    How will I know how my submission is being addressed?

    Each person who lodged a submission is given a unique submission number. A submission assessment summary will be prepared by the City which provides a summary of the points of submission and the submitter’s submission number. This will enable submitters to determine how Council has addressed their items. The complete consultation report will be made available following public consultation once all significant and non-significant changes have been addressed

    Will I be able to see all submissions and responses?

    The City will be publishing a consultation report after the consideration of submissions. This will be made available online. No names will be published.

    What happens next?

    Public consultation will run until 18 July 2024. Once submissions are considered, and if there are no further significant changes proposed, the amendment will progress to the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (DHLGPPW) requesting Ministerial approval to adopt. Once the City receives approval from the Minister, the amendment is required to be adopted by Council before it can commence.