Proposed amendment to Animal Control Area Register - Tallowwood Park
Consultation has concluded
The City of Gold Coast (City) is proposing a change to a dog off leash area in Tallowwood Park, following feedback from the community.
The City is responsible for the Animal Control Area register. Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013 allows the City to designate any part of a park, foreshore or bathing reserve as an animal control area. Read more about Local Law No. 12 (Animal Management) 2013.
The proposed changes to the City’s current Animal Control Area Register include an extension of the dog off leash area in Tallowwood Park.
The proposed change is based on suggestions from the community, Councillor requests and information provided from key stakeholders. Factors such as environmental impacts, community safety and residential growth have been considered when evaluating a proposed change.
We need your feedback to help us plan effectively when considering this change.
For more information on the proposed change, please review the following documents:
- Proposed Amendments to Animal Control Area Register
- Public Consultation Notice
Council is seeking feedback from the community on this proposed amendment to the Animal Control Area Register.
To have your say about this proposed change:
- Complete the online submission form below, or
- Download a printable submission form which can be:
- Scanned and emailed to
- Posted to Chief Executive Officer, City of Gold Coast, PO Box 5042, Gold Coast MC 9726, or
- Delivered in person to a Customer Service Centre.
Hard copies of submission forms and associated documents are also available at all City of Gold Coast customer service centres.
This consultations runs from Tuesday 20 Aug to 5pm Monday 9 September 2024.
We look forward to receiving your comments and feedback.