Robina Central Planning Review

The City of Gold Coast is committed to planning for our ever-growing city, by providing for housing choice, growing jobs and creating attractive places for our community. Infrastructure also needs to be planned and delivered to meet the future needs of our community.

Robina Central is a Key regional centre that has established a broad range of employment, services, community facilities and residential developments. Planning for Robina Central is currently governed by the Local Government (Robina Central Planning Agreement) Act 1992 which has not been holistically reviewed since 1999.

It is important that Robina Central’s future is developed in collaboration with community to reflect your views, values and vision for the area.

The Robina Central Planning Review (the Review) is a project that will look to plan for Robina Central’s future by engaging the community and key stakeholders to plan for the next 20 years.

If you have any questions about the Review, you can email us at or give us a call on 1300 151 267.

The City of Gold Coast is committed to planning for our ever-growing city, by providing for housing choice, growing jobs and creating attractive places for our community. Infrastructure also needs to be planned and delivered to meet the future needs of our community.

Robina Central is a Key regional centre that has established a broad range of employment, services, community facilities and residential developments. Planning for Robina Central is currently governed by the Local Government (Robina Central Planning Agreement) Act 1992 which has not been holistically reviewed since 1999.

It is important that Robina Central’s future is developed in collaboration with community to reflect your views, values and vision for the area.

The Robina Central Planning Review (the Review) is a project that will look to plan for Robina Central’s future by engaging the community and key stakeholders to plan for the next 20 years.

If you have any questions about the Review, you can email us at or give us a call on 1300 151 267.

  • Phase 4: Refine policy setting: Consultation Summary Report now available

    4 December 2023

    Thank you for having your say on the future of Robina Central. Recently, there was an opportunity for community and stakeholder engagement to provide input on the draft Vision Statement and draft Concept Plan, to inform future land use planning activities for Robina Central.

    The consultation has now concluded.

    Watch this video to learn more about the consultation:

    During the engagement period from 1 to 27 August 2023, we received 1045 completed surveys.

    You told us that infrastructure, social and development outcomes are most important to you.

    If you want to learn more, we invite you to read the Community Engagement Report and Community Engagement Summary Report.

  • Phase 3: Draft non-statutory strategy and technical investigations: Consultation now open

    1 August 2023

    Have your say on the future of Robina Central

    This is the second opportunity for community to help craft the draft Vision statement.

    We are seeking your feedback on the draft vision and planning guidance for Robina’s long term future to inform this review.

    Telling us what you think will help shape the future of Robina Central and you could win one of five $100 EFTPOS vouchers (terms and conditions apply).

    How you can have your say:

    • Complete our online survey about the draft Vision statement
    • Review our draft Concept Plan
    • Click on our interactive map to provide feedback on the draft Concept Plan.

    Community engagement runs from 1 to 27 August 2023.

    If you have any questions about the review or how to provide feedback you can ask one of our planners below, email us at or give us a call on 1300 151 267.

  • Phase 2- Review: Round 1 consultation now closed

    2 December 2022

    Thank you for having your say on the future of Robina Central. Consultation has now concluded. The community engagement report is now available.

  • Phase 2- Review: Round 1 consultation now open

    30 August 2022

    We are investigating opportunities to refresh the vision and planning guidance for Robina’s long term future and we are seeking your feedback to inform this review.

    It is important that Robina Central’s future is developed in collaboration with community to reflect your views, values and vision for the area. This is the first of several opportunities you can be involved in. Tells us what you think to help shape the future of Robina Central. To assist you with the survey we have created draft maps that show opportunities and constraints. Your feedback will help us to update and finalise these maps. View opportunities and constraints mapping

    Community engagement runs from 30 August to 20 September 2022.

    To have your say, please visit Robina Central Planning Review (Round 1)

  • Phase 1: Project Inception

    24 May 2022

    Council endorsed the Robina Central Planning Review project approach which seeks to develop a new vision for Robina Central and plan for its future. Agenda report

Page last updated: 28 Jan 2025, 05:00 PM