Our Coastal Lifestyle

Consultation has concluded

Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy – Second round of engagement

From 14 May to 10 June 2024, the City undertook community consultation to share the Our Beaches Strategy outcomes, understand community concerns, challenges and sentiment of coastal areas, and identify aspirations and key projects. The feedback from the community consultation have informed the development of the new draft Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy. Full survey results are available in the Community Engagement Report and the Engagement Summary Report.

Through this consultation, you shared your top priorities, concerns, and vision for our coastal places.

Now, in this second survey, we invite you to review the draft strategy's key focus areas and let us know if they reflect your priorities and experiences.

Take our quick 2-minute survey to share your feedback on the draft Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy.

The engagement runs from Tuesday 28 January to Monday 10 February 2025.

Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy – Second round of engagement

From 14 May to 10 June 2024, the City undertook community consultation to share the Our Beaches Strategy outcomes, understand community concerns, challenges and sentiment of coastal areas, and identify aspirations and key projects. The feedback from the community consultation have informed the development of the new draft Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy. Full survey results are available in the Community Engagement Report and the Engagement Summary Report.

Through this consultation, you shared your top priorities, concerns, and vision for our coastal places.

Now, in this second survey, we invite you to review the draft strategy's key focus areas and let us know if they reflect your priorities and experiences.

Take our quick 2-minute survey to share your feedback on the draft Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy.

The engagement runs from Tuesday 28 January to Monday 10 February 2025.

Consultation has concluded
  • Have your say on the draft strategy focus areas – consultation now open

    27 Jan 2025

    Have your say on the future Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy

    This is the second opportunity for community to help shape the future of our beaches, lakes, canals and foreshore parks.

    We are seeking your feedback on the draft strategy focus areas.

    Take our quick 2-minute survey to share your feedback on the draft Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy.

    Community engagement runs from Tuesday 28 January to Monday 10 February 2025.

  • Thank you for your feedback – consultation now closed

    09 Jun 2024

    Thank you for having your say and helping shape the future of our beaches, lakes, canals and foreshore parks. The consultation has now concluded.

    During the consultation period from 14 May to 10 June 2024, we received 3475 submissions.

    Full survey results are available in the Community Engagement Report and the Engagement Summary Report.

    Your feedback will inform the development of the new Our Coastal Lifestyle Strategy.

  • Have your say on Our Coastal Lifestyle – consultation now open

    13 May 2024

    Have your say and help shape the future of our beaches, canals, lakes and foreshore parks.

    We are developing a new strategy to address current challenges and provide a roadmap for enhancing everyone’s coastal experience, ensuring safety and accessibility, while improving the resilience of these areas.

    Waterways and ocean beaches are an integral feature of our Gold Coast lifestyle.

    You are invited to participate in our Coastal Lifestyle survey!

    Take this 10-minute survey and tell us:

    • Which coastal areas you visit regularly
    • What you enjoy most about our coastal areas
    • Opportunities to improve our unique coastal lifestyle
    • How we can protect these coastal areas

    We want to hear your thoughts and ideas about our beaches, lakes, canals, and foreshore parks to help us develop this new 10-year strategy. We can create a shared vision to preserve and enhance our coastal experience for generations to come.

    By completing the online survey, you can go in the draw to win one of five $500 eftpos gift cards (terms and conditions apply).

    Community engagement runs from Tuesday 14 May to Monday 10 June 2024.