- Public spaces that are safe, inclusive, equitable
- Streets that balance the needs of all users
- Civic spaces that inspire and foster cultural life
- Economic development and environmental sustainability.
- acknowledge the uniqueness and significance of the Burleigh headland – known as Jellurgal to the People of theYugambeh Language Region
- celebrate the importance of the beach, foreshore and surfing culture
- enhance all things pertaining to the village of Burleigh Heads.
Why Burleigh Heads?
Recognising the significance of Burleigh Heads to the Gold Coast, the City is preparing the Burleigh Heads Place Making Plan that aims to improve public space and build on the strong sense of community in a way that will enhance the lifestyle for locals and visitors.
The plan focuses on a post-light rail Burleigh Heads acknowledging the uniqueness and significance of the headland, beach, foreshore and surfing culture and looks to enhance all things pertaining to the village of Burleigh Heads.
What does the plan aim to achieve?
Plan principles are to create and enhance:
These principles aim to build on the strong sense of community that already exists to create a memorable and vibrant place.
What’s in it for the community?
The plan focuses on meeting the needs of the community by improving public spaces and celebrating and enhancing the things that matter to them.
What stakeholder engagement has taken place to date?
Four community workshops have been held with advocates and businesses, with the latest taking place on February 24, 2021.
Stakeholder workshops to date have helped shape a vision, principles, strategies and concept proposals for the plan, providing valuable insights into the Burleigh Heads precinct.
The community is now invited to provide feedback on the direction of the Burleigh Heads Place Making Plan via the GC have your say survey.
What are the stakeholder engagement outcomes to date?
Community feedback identified the top 10 priorities for Burleigh Heads: the headland, beaches, local identity, parks, heritage/history, parking, street trees, Oceanway, pedestrian access and safety.
A locally inspired, shared vision was developed as an outcome of stakeholder workshops.
Is there any research to support the plan?
The City has gathered research to support the plan including an economic base line; vehicle and pedestrian movement and counts; user experience; lighting; traffic congestion, parking and accessibility and mobility.
What projects are likely to be delivered out of the plan?
Examples of future projects include improved streets, safety, seating areas, shared pathways that integrate with revegetation of green space, shade trees and ground cover, designated bike lanes and street artwork with high visual impact.
Where will the survey feedback go?
All community feedback will be considered to shape the final Burleigh Place Making Plan which will include sufficiently detailed framework and strategies for potential future projects to be considered for funding under City budget processes.
When will projects be delivered?
The final plan will include a list of priority place making and city building projects for implementation in the short, medium and long term.
This is a post-light rail plan. Projects will be delivered after the construction of Light Rail Stage 3 is complete.
How does the plan align with Light Rail Stage 3 construction?
The Burleigh Heads Place Making Plan is a post-Light Rail Stage 3 (a Queensland Government led-project) future for Burleigh Heads that makes recommendations on what physical interventions will enhance the quality of the precinct to preserve the shared vision and enhance the trading environment.
The plan is not inclusive of the light rail construction but carefully considers the interface between these projects, to aim for a best possible outcome for Burleigh.
Is the City of Gold Coast proposing to remove carparks from Burleigh Headland?
No, the City of Gold Coast (City) is proposing to relocate the current carparks at the top of the Burleigh Headland to the bottom. This will allow for more people to enjoy the views and parkland at one of the city’s most iconic locations. This proposal would result in more on-street carparking along Goodwin Terrace and more off-street carparking in Rudd Park. Overall, there would be no loss of car parks and safer movements of vehicles and pedestrians along Goodwin Terrace. This is a concept only and the City would like the community to have their say before projects are determined.
Is the City of Gold Coast proposing to install a public toilet on Burleigh Hill?
No, the existing public toilets at the base of the hill are within close walking distance.
Where can I get more information about the proposed changes to Burleigh Hill?
Please contact Parks and Recreational Services on 07 5581 6984 or email parksrecreationalservices@goldcoast.qld.gov.au
How will the plan affect parking in the Burleigh Heads precinct?
Car parking is important in Burleigh Heads.
Some draft design concepts may change existing parking and we want to hear from you about what you think about these. Ideas presented aim to balance all users – not just drivers.
The City Parking Plan 2015 aims to keep our city moving by managing parking to increase availability, improve customer service and boost economic activity in local centres, like Burleigh Heads.
During construction of the Light Rail – Some on street parking will be removed in the project corridor to allow for construction to take place and to keep through traffic moving. Where possible during construction, displaced timed car parking will be relocated in nearby side streets. Where the road width permits in the final design, parking in the corridor will be reinstated following construction.
After construction – existing kerb side parking will be retained where possible and where space permits, however where the Gold Coast Highway is too narrow to accommodate the light rail tracks, stations and vehicle traffic lanes, some on-street parking will not be reinstated.
In collaboration with GCLR3 delivery partners – TMR and GoldLinQ – the City is preparing for proactive parking management for when the light rail is operating. We are exploring how existing carpark facilities can be better used to accommodate more users or be better promoted as an option. The community will be kept informed as planning progresses.
I want to know more about Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3 (GCLR3)
For information about the current project reference design visit gclr3.com.au or contact the TMR Project Team on gclr3@tmr.qld.gov.au or 1800 312 600.