Bilinga - Proposed Regulated Parking

This public consultation has now closed.

We invite you to have your say on the introduction of parking resrictions in Bilinga.

Regulated parking is proposed for some residential streets in Bilinga. This is to address the issue that Gold Coast airport patrons are parking in residential streets for long periods of time.


Since early 2013 when parking issues were raised at a Bilinga Neighbourhood Watch meeting, a working group was formed to include City of Gold Coast officers and Cr Chris Robbins as well as several community members to look at solutions to address community needs around parking issues.

During April 2013 to May 2013 a survey was distributed by the Bilinga Neighbourhood Watch to a cross-section of residents to better understand community opinions and solutions. This survey received a 41% response rate and 77% were in support of four hour parking regulations in the Bilinga area. 68% of respondents wanted restrictions to apply Monday to Saturday. Preference of hours are as follows: 45% of people preferred regulated hours to be from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday; while 23% preferred 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm Saturday.

It is proposed that parking regulations be put in place for all street south of Gibson Street, north of Musgrave Street and between the western side of Golden Four Drive and the eastern side of Pacific Parade.

To have your say and participate in this community decision:

  1. view the proposed parking restrictions map (to the right); then
  2. tag on the Bilinga map (below) where you propose 4 hour parking should be; and then
  3. complete the Bilinga parking survey (below).

Consultation runs from Friday, 14 March to Friday 11 April 2014.
We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.

We invite you to have your say on the introduction of parking resrictions in Bilinga.

Regulated parking is proposed for some residential streets in Bilinga. This is to address the issue that Gold Coast airport patrons are parking in residential streets for long periods of time.


Since early 2013 when parking issues were raised at a Bilinga Neighbourhood Watch meeting, a working group was formed to include City of Gold Coast officers and Cr Chris Robbins as well as several community members to look at solutions to address community needs around parking issues.

During April 2013 to May 2013 a survey was distributed by the Bilinga Neighbourhood Watch to a cross-section of residents to better understand community opinions and solutions. This survey received a 41% response rate and 77% were in support of four hour parking regulations in the Bilinga area. 68% of respondents wanted restrictions to apply Monday to Saturday. Preference of hours are as follows: 45% of people preferred regulated hours to be from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday; while 23% preferred 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm Saturday.

It is proposed that parking regulations be put in place for all street south of Gibson Street, north of Musgrave Street and between the western side of Golden Four Drive and the eastern side of Pacific Parade.

To have your say and participate in this community decision:

  1. view the proposed parking restrictions map (to the right); then
  2. tag on the Bilinga map (below) where you propose 4 hour parking should be; and then
  3. complete the Bilinga parking survey (below).

Consultation runs from Friday, 14 March to Friday 11 April 2014.
We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions.

Bilinga Area Map

almost 11 years

Proposed Parking regulations could be introduced in Billinga streets that are within easy walking distance to Gold Coast Airport.

You can use the map marker to indicate those streets in Bilinga where you think parking restrictions should be introduced and why.

READ the following instructions before clicking the map link below to:

  1. add a map marker - select 'drag' and move to a street location;
  2. add a comment to your marker -  [Double Click] on marker to open a text box; then
  3. repeat above 2 steps for each street location you wish to mark and comment on.
CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded